School Fundraising with Stikins ® Labels - Requests & Sign Up Form

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Request Free Samples For Your New Starters

You can request five personalised name labels for each child joining your school in September. The offer is open from 1st April to 30th June. 

How To Request Your Free Samples

Simply submit this form requesting free printed name label samples and send your list of names to us at

Please email your list of names in an Excel spreadsheet or Word document, with the first names and surnames in two columns. If your school cannot submit full names due to GDPR regulations, we can print your samples with more anonymous personalisation, such as initials + class, first name + class, one name only, or initials only (we recommend including a class name if you need to avoid confusion over duplicate names or initials). Click here to see a sample of the options available.

We have produced a GDPR statement, which relates specifically to the information supplied to us by schools requesting free samples. This statement can be found and downloaded from our Downloads & Useful Links page.

If you include a third column listing year groups/class names, we will pack your samples into classes to make it simpler to distribute them to pupils.

We print five Stikins ® name labels for each name and send them, individually packed with instructions, to the school. The file of names is then deleted from our system.

Request Free Resources To Boost Your Commission Total

It may seem easier to send out an email or update your website but schools often send out a variety of communications about all kinds of subjects, which makes it all too easy for digital information to be overlooked. We find that physically handing out leaflets and personalised samples is a brilliant way to get parents' attention, especially parents of new starters who tend to be more involved with school requests.

You can track your commission throughout the year using your fundraising account.

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