School Fundraising With Stikins ® Labels - Account Login

Log in to your fundraising account

Use this page to login to your school fundraising account to keep track of how much commission you've earned so far!

Your school fundraising account lets you track your commission earnings for the current commission year (which runs from 1st October to 30th September) and the amount of commission you've earned since joining the Stikins ® Labels school fundraising scheme.

You'll also find the contact details currently registered to your school fundraising account, including the school address and your named contact. You can update these details at any time using our Requests & Sign Up Form, by giving us a call (01270 668076), or sending us an email (

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Need Help?

Contact The School Fundraising Team

If you have any questions or queries about your school fundraising account, contact our Customer Service Team by phone (01270 668076) or by email (

Not Registered Yet?

Register today using the "Requests & Sign Up Form" in the Fundraising Menu or contact our Customer Service Team.

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