Stikins ® labels are 30mm wide by 15mm high. This size fits neatly onto items of all shapes and sizes (including wash-care labels) and is as unobtrusive as possible.
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Stikins ® labels are white labels printed with a black font. This combination gives the clearest contrast between your labels and your print, to make your name labels as easy to read as possible.
We use Royal Mail’s first class service, which is not a guaranteed next day service.
Almost all first class post arrives within seven working days.
Until recently, Royal Mail have delivered 93% of first class post on the next working day. In their latest report for 2024/2025 (released February 2025), Royal Mail stated that 76.2% of first class items on the next day *, so we advise that orders can take up to seven working days to arrive.
Ensure your item is completely clean and dry. Carefully peel each name label from the backing paper (avoid touching the adhesive as much as possible). Apply the label onto your item and smooth it down firmly with your thumb or finger.
Stikins ® name labels must be applied onto the wash-care label of clothing & fabric items.
Full instructions for use are sent with your stick on name labels and a copy can be found on our website here.
You can request up to 18 characters per line. If you require 12 or fewer characters in total, including spaces, (e.g. "Barney Young") you can use the one line layout to get a larger font size.
If you need to include more detailed information, we can manually print three lines. This option is only available if you order by phone.
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