Schools: Don’t Miss Out On Our Amazing School Samples

Our amazing school sample offer closes at the end of June. Make sure your school doesn’t miss out and request your free samples today.
Request Free Samples For Your School
This is our 12th year offering free samples to schools! Personalised samples are practical and useful for both parents and schools. Parents can see our name labels for themselves and, better still, can actually try them out without having to pay anything. Stick on name labels are the quickest and easiest way to label items but parents can be reluctant to believe they will work. With a sample in hand, parents can see just how easy it can be to label up school kit. Plus, our samples can help parents to get the most expensive school items safely labelled at no cost. All of this encourages parents to keep on labelling school kit, which reduces the amount of lost property in school. Our samples also make a great addition to new starter packs, providing a personalised welcome for new children and their parents.
Samples are also a great way to boost your fundraising totals if you belong to our fundraising scheme. Our scheme allows schools, PTAs, nurseries, and children’s groups to earn 30% commission on sales of Stikins ® name labels. Every year, schools who request free samples see a boost in their commission total.
We offer a variety of personalisation options so you can choose one that meets your school's GDPR guidelines. These options range from full names to anonymous initials:
We have put together a GDPR statement to explain how we use the data your provide when requesting samples. You can read and download this statement from our Downloads & Useful Links page.
We pack each sample individually along with with a leaflet and full instructions for use. If you provide class names, we can group your samples for easier distribution.
Request Your Free Samples Today
You can request samples for your new starters by filling in our Requests Form or sending us an email.
You should email your list of name to in an Excel spreadsheet or Word document (or similar). If you are requesting full names, we recommend putting the first names in one column and surnames in a second column. If you would like your samples grouping by classes, please add your class names in a third column.
We can accept password protected files; simply email your file to us and let us know how you will provide the password. For example, some schools send a separate email while others provide the password by phone.
We will print and pack your samples and get them sent to the school for distribution.