Schools: We're Minions Mad & Deadlines Daft As Our Summer Offer Comes To A Close!

Next week marks the end of our superb summer sample offer for schools. If you haven’t requested free samples for your new starters yet, read on to find out how! Next week also sees the release of Minions: The Rise Of Gru, so we decided to see how popular minion names are amongst our customers!
Celebrating A Multitude Of Minion Monikers
The release of Minions: The Rise Of Gru got us thinking about the names of these cute characters. Apparently, there are at least 10,400 minions with around 899 receiving an individual credit across the series. So, how many Minion names can you think of?
We managed 30 names and decided to see how popular these names are amongst our customers. Check out our list below to find out how they fared!
While researching our minion monikers, we also came across some fun facts. For example, did you know that:
- Minions are around 3 feet 7 inches (1.1 metres) tall.
- All minions share common features. They are either small and plump, medium, or tall and thin; have one of five hairstyles (bald, buzz cut, sprout, spiky, or combed); and have one or two brown eyes (except for Bob who has one green eye and one brown eye). Tall minions always have sprout hair, while one eyed minions tend to be short.
- Minions speak Minionese (or Banana Language), which is a mixture of gibberish and words from various languages including English, French, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Hindi, Indonesian, and Filipino. Common phrases include Bello (hello), Poopaye (goodbye), Bi do (I’m sorry), Papoy (toy), Madoca (I am hungry), and Papaya (beautiful).
- Minions are biologically hard wired to serve villains, have a degree of invulnerability, and have an almost uncontrollable craving for fruit – especially bananas!
Last Chance To Request Free Samples For Your New Starters
Our superb summer offer comes to a close at the end of this month. So, if you haven’t requested your free samples yet, here’s how it works.
We are offering five personalised samples of Stikins ® name labels for all your new starters joining the school in September. Each sample comes individually packed with a parent leaflet and instructions for use.
You simply need to send the names you need printing to us via email. We ask that you send the names in an Excel spreadsheet or Word document (or similar) with the first names in the first column and surnames in the second column.
If your school cannot send full names due to GDPR, we offer more anonymous formats. These include initials + class, first name + class, one name only, or initials only (we recommend including a class name if you need to avoid confusion over duplicate names).
We have also produced a separate GDPR Statement, which outlines how we handle the information provided to us by schools for the purpose of requesting free samples. This document can be downloaded from our Useful Links and Downloads page.
The offer is open to all schools – not just those who have signed up to our School Fundraising scheme. However, you are more than welcome to sign up if you’d like to give your school fundraising efforts a boost. You can find out more about fundraising with Stikins ® name labels on our School Fundraising pages – and you can sign up by filling out our Sign Up & Requests Form.
Remember, our superb summer offer comes to an end at the end of June – so get your names sent over now!
Or as the minions would (probably) say:
Haiyaku! Tank yi! Poopaye!
(Hurry up! Thank you! Goodbye!)