Schools: Small Ways Name Labels Make A Big Difference In Schools

With many schools encouraging parents to use name labels – and some making them a mandatory part of their school uniform lists – we're taking a look at a few small ways that Stikins ® name labels can make a big difference in schools.
School Name Labels…Help Banish The Lost Property Box
Many schools have spoken to us about their frustration at having to waste time and resources dealing with lost property – which is an easily preventable problem. Lost property schemes and spaces have to be set up and monitored and Lost Property Events are becoming an ever more regular feature as schools try to reunite at least a few items with their original owners – although many schools still end up with a great deal of unclaimed items to deal with at the end of each year.
Name labels are a simple way to cut down or even eliminate lost property, which saves time and resources that schools badly need for much more important things.
School Name Labels…Save Time In Busy Classrooms, Cloakrooms, & Changing Rooms
School uniform and kit is generally similar if not identical in appearance, which makes it even easier for items to get mixed up or to go missing altogether. When things do go missing, it’s all too easy for teachers and staff to end up spending a great deal of time trying to help children locate their belongings (and not always successfully).
When school kit is labelled, children can immediately identify their own belongings and quickly get themselves ready for the next part of the day – whether it’s the start of another lesson or leaving the classroom for a break or to go home.
It also saves teachers and staff the additional challenge of having to deal with the emotional fallout that can result from personal belongings going missing – as well as the disagreements that arise when two children lay claim to the same identical item.
Name Labels…Keep The School Environment Safe
This year has provided plenty of challenges for schools and it is vitally important for everyone to play their part in helping to create and maintain a safe school environment – including making sure that every child and classroom stays organised.
Name labels make it easy for children and teachers to keep the classroom tidy and to ensure that each child keeps hold of their own belongings all day long – and that those belongings make it safely back home at the end of each day.
Name Labels…Teach & Encourage Responsibility For Personal Belongings
Name labels are a simple but effective way to start encouraging children to take responsibility for their own belongings. When it is up to them to double check items for a name label to make sure that they pick up their own belongings, this reinforces the importance of taking care of personal belongings.
Name Labels…Provide Additional Allergy / Medical Alerts For Use In Emergencies
While most name labels are personalised simply with a child’s name, they can also be personalised with allergies or medical conditions (and an emergency contact number) – creating additional medical alerts that might be needed in the event of an emergency. They are especially effective on lunch boxes, water bottles, and medical supplies but can also come in handy even when used to label school uniform.
School Name Labels…& School Fundraising That Is Rewarding, Easy, Useful, & Free
We’ve been running our school fundraising scheme since 2004. With our fundraising scheme, schools (along with PTAs, nurseries, and children’s activity groups) can access simple fundraising that runs all year round without taking up valuable time and resources.
Schools can earn commission on sales of Stikins ® name labels; all they have to do is sign up and request free fundraising materials to let parents know about the scheme.
We allocate our school fundraisers with a unique fundraising number; every order we receive where that number is quoted will earn commission for the school. We despatch orders directly to parents and keep track of the school’s commission, which is paid out once a year in November.
Schools can request free fundraising materials (including parent leaflets and posters) throughout the year and there are absolutely no fees required to join or participate in the scheme.
If you would like to request more information on behalf of a school or sign up, please visit the School Fundraising section of our website and fill in our Sign Up & Request Form.