Simple Steps To Boost Your School Fundraising At Christmas Time

Schools: Simple Steps To Boost Your School Fundraising At Christmas Time

Friday 22nd November 2019   /   Schools   /   0 Comment(s)

Simple Steps To Boost Your School Fundraising At Christmas Time

Christmas is a brilliant time to give your school fundraising efforts a bit of a boost. Here’s a few simple steps you can take to earn a little extra commission this Christmas.

Make The Most Of The End Of Term…

Schools often send a flurry of communications home in the run up to the Christmas holidays, which gives you plenty of opportunities to remind parents about labelling school kit and the Stikins ® labels school fundraising scheme – for free.

Instead of spending time and resources setting up additional letters, emails, and messages to parents, you can simply add a short reminder to an existing communication. This could be a few simple sentences about labelling school kit with Stikins ® name labels (along with your fundraising number) or you could provide parents with more information about how your commission earnings will be used to fund ongoing projects in school.

Remember, you can request parent leaflets to hand out at the end of term for free. These leaflets provide parents with more information about Stikins ® labels and how to place an order; we also supply labels pre-printed with your school’s fundraising number.

And The Start Of A New Term…

A new term often brings lots of new things. This could be new subjects, topics, and projects that require some new kit. It could be new school kit to replace old school kit that got lost, damaged, or outgrown in the previous term. It might also be new pupils joining the school who have a whole set of brand new school uniform and kit to get labelled.

So, when you’re sending out communications to existing pupils for the end of term or sending new starter kits to pupils joining in the new term, why not remind parents about the importance of getting all of their children’s new kit labelled.

Make Sure Your Website Can Answer Parents’ Christmas Queries

While you might not be able to communicate with parents as easily during the Christmas holidays, you can make sure that all the information they need to order name labels is readily available on your school (or PTA) website. You can remind parents about the importance of labelling school kit, give them information about Stikins ® name labels and our school fundraising scheme, let them know your school fundraising number, and provide a direct link to our website so they can find out more or place an order.

A link is especially useful as it allows parents to find out more about Stikins ® name labels and our school fundraising scheme – ideal if you don’t have a lot of space on your website to provide this information yourself. It also makes it super easy for parents to order and you can set up a link that automatically adds your fundraising number to orders placed by following that link (so every order will count towards your commission total, even if parents forget to enter the code or which code they need to enter).

Use our “Add A Website Link” page to learn how to add a link. 

Make The Most Of Festive Events

Christmas is an especially busy time of year for schools with lots of events (festive and otherwise) taking place in a short space of time before school closes for the holidays. Many of these events bring parents into school, which gives you another opportunity to remind them about Stikins ® name labels and our school fundraising scheme.

You could use these events to hand out leaflets and put up posters – these are especially useful additions to end of term lost property events. You can also request free vouchers, which can be given away as prizes at your Christmas fair. 

Make The Most Of The Chaos Of Christmastime

The most important thing you can do to boost your school fundraising efforts is to LET PARENTS KNOW that they can raise money for the school when they order Stikins ® name labels – and Christmas brings plenty of opportunities to communicate with parents in a whole host of different ways.

You don’t have to spend a fortune nor do you need to take up a lot of time promoting our school fundraising scheme. Updating the school or PTA website takes minutes – and the information will be there for parents all year round. Likewise, adding a reminder about the scheme to existing Christmas communications only takes a moment and provides a completely free way to boost your fundraising efforts.

Plus, all of our school fundraising materials are completely free to request. We can supply A4 posters and as many parent leaflets as you need. You can request these materials using our online form or by contacting our customer service team. You can also get in touch to request free vouchers to give away as prizes.

You can also visit the school fundraising section of our website for more free resources, our commission booster plan, and plenty of tips and advice to help you get the most out of the Stikins ® labels school fundraising scheme.