Product Information: Name Labels 101: An Introduction To Stikins ® Labels

With the New Year underway, we thought we’d go back to basics and write an introduction (or a re-introduction for existing customers) to our name labels. And, with students across the country preparing for a new semester of coursework deadlines, we thought we’d have a go at an assignment of our own. So, without further ado, we present to you our first (and probably only) assignment piece (or an approximation thereof) on the subject of name labels…
A brief introduction to name labels, including a discussion of what is a name label, why name labels are used, and a case study into Stikins ® name labels.
Section 1: What Are Name Labels?
In its simplest form, name labels are simply that – labels with a name on them for the purpose of identifying the owner of an item. In the world of name labels, however, the term can be applied to a range of products, all of which identify the owner of the item to which a product has been attached. Examples of name label “types” currently available include stick on name labels, iron on name labels, name transfers, clip on name labels or “name tags”, and the more traditional sew-in name labels (or “tapes”). Each type of name label has its own method of application, along with its own set of benefits and drawbacks.
Section 2: Why Do We Need Name Labels?
Name labels are one solution to the problem of items getting mixed up or lost. They are particularly useful in environments where a group of people with similar or identical sets of belongings share one confined space or set of facilities. The most common example (and perhaps the situation in which name labels are most effective) is schools; hundreds of students attend school armed with similar or identical belongings, all of which must be carried between classrooms (as well as to and from school) and is easily mixed up or misplaced. Adding a name label makes it clear to whom an item belongs (which prevents mix ups occurring) and, should an item go missing, it is easy for the school to notify the correct pupil that their belongings have been found. This means staff don’t have to waste time and money maintaining a “Lost Property” facility within the school and that parents don’t have to waste time and money replacing items that are often quite expensive and usually no more than a year old.
Likewise, name labels can be used to great effect in nursing and residential care homes; whether items are put through shared facilities (e.g. kitchens or laundries) or simply put down and forgotten about, staff will be able to easily identify the owner of an item and return it. This can prevent distress to the resident and save staff valuable time that they can spend on their scheduled tasks. Businesses can also use name labels to keep track of their assets, such as uniform and/or equipment that is assigned to or loaned out to employees. This can prevent them from wasting money on replacing items that have gone missing.
Section 3: A Case Study – Stikins ® name labels
Stikins ® labels are stick on name labels; these labels are made with a smooth, flexible vinyl and an advanced adhesive that allow the labels to adhere to a range of surfaces under a variety of conditions. These labels simply peel off their backing sheet and can be applied to all kinds of items; when applied to garments and fabric items they should be applied onto the wash care label, while they can be applied directly onto personal items (such as bags and shoes, lunch boxes and water bottles, books and tablet devices etc). These name labels are either white or silver in colour and are printed with a bold black font to ensure that the text is easy to see and read. Each label measures 30mm wide by 15mm high and this product is available in five pack sizes (30, 60, 90, 120, or 240 labels per pack); each pack comes complete with a set of instructions for use.
This versatile label can be used on almost any item (with the main exception being socks); the flexible label will adhere to a range of surfaces and can be safely put through washing machines, tumble driers, dishwashers, and microwaves. The smooth finish of the vinyl means that the label won’t cause irritation if applied to a wash care label that comes into contact with skin when an item is worn and the print has been thoroughly tested to ensure that it is fully resistant to sun creams and lotions, which means that these labels are useful all year round. They are also extremely easy to apply, which means that they can be applied by adults or by children themselves (although younger children should be supervised).
Name labels are brilliant!
This small product can be a big help, whether they’re used by a parent trying to help their children keep hold of their belongings (and keep their money safe for other things), a school trying to tackle a mountain of Lost Property, a relative or friend helping someone move into a care home, or a business trying to keep track of its assets – simply identifying the owner of an item goes a long way to saving time and money that is wasted when similar or identical items get mixed up or lost in busy shared environments. Contact us for more information!
Recommended Further Reading:
Information Page
Instructions For Use Page
Frequently Asked Questions Page