Product Information: We’re Diving Into Amazing Aquatic Names To Celebrate World Water Day

Today is World Water Day! To celebrate, we decided to take a dive into the names that our customers have requested to pool together the most popular aquatic-themed names - as requested by you!
Stikins ® Name Labels Survive In The Wash(ing Machine)
Our sticky name labels were designed with a very watery environment in mind – the washing machine. Washing machines create an extremely tough set of conditions for products like Stikins ® labels. Name labels have to flex along with clothing, otherwise they’ll fall off. Personalised name labels have to stay personalised or they’ll be of no use. Personalised stick on name labels have to create adhesive bonds that will survive a thorough washing. So how do Stikins ® name labels survive in the wash?
The secret is in ALL of the materials we use to make our name labels.
- The Material: we use a super soft, super flexible synthetic material. This allows Stikins ® labels to stick onto all kinds of materials and surfaces – from hard plastics to soft fabrics, on flat and curved surfaces. It also allows our labels to flex along with fabrics while they are worn AND while they are washed.
- The Adhesive: our unique adhesive was developed to label clothing AND personal items. It provides both extremely strong initial tack and ultimate tack. In other words, Stikins ® labels create a strong adhesive bond from the moment you apply them and continue to strengthen as they set. This allows your labels to stay firmly stuck through every day wear and tear and repeat trips through the washing machine. Stikins ® name labels have been independently tested for 60 washes at 40 degrees. They’ve also been thoroughly tested by thousands of families across the UK.
- The Print: our printing ribbon is completely waterproof (and washing machine proof!) so your personalised name labels will remain permanently personalised!
Find out more about our waterproof name labels on our product information page or head on over to our online order form to splash out on your own set of Stikins ® name labels today.