News: Celebrating Our Top Scoring Names For Scrabble Day

Yes, we know you can’t use proper nouns in a real game of Scrabble. Regardless, we thought we’d find out which names we’ve printed onto Stikins ® name labels comes out tops for Scrabble Day.
Stikins ® Name Labels – An Introduction To Scrabble
Scrabble has been around since 1938, which means that 2018 will see the game reach its 80th anniversary. Originally called “Criss-Crosswords”, there are now more than 50 language versions of Scrabble and more than 4,000 Scrabble clubs worldwide. There are a variety of national and international tournaments – including the World Scrabble Championships. National Scrabble Day is celebrated on the 13th April, which is the birthday of the game’s inventor Alfred Mosher Butts, an architect from New York City.
Over 150 million sets have been sold worldwide and more than half of all UK homes own a Scrabble set. If all of the Scrabble tiles ever produced were placed end to end they would reach around the earth nine times. It is estimated that more than a million Scrabble tiles have “gone missing”. There are official Scrabble dictionaries to help avoid any fights over particularly contentious word choices.
Stikins ® Name Labels – Finding The Top-Scoring Names On Our Name Labels
In Scrabble, each letter of the alphabet has a point value as follows:
- 1 point: A E I O U L N S T R
- 2 points: D G
- 3 points: B C M P
- 4 points: F H V W Y
- 5 points: K
- 8 points: J X
- 10 points: Q Z
Using these values, we’ve worked out the Scrabble scores for all of the names we printed in 2017. Our top-scoring names are: Jack-James (31) and Zola-Jayne (28).
Obviously, they have the advantage of being hyphenated names so – in the name of fairness – our top scoring (non-hyphenated) names are: Jacqueline (28) and Zulaykha (27).
Unsurprisingly, names with high-scoring letters (especially Qs, Zs, Js, & Ks) fill out our top 10 (although Christopher gets an honourable mention for having no individual letters worth more than 4 points):
Lizzy (26), Mackenzie (26), Izzy (25), Jacquie (25), Zackery (25), Aziz (22), Johnathan (22), Christopher (21)
In honour of the fact that it is Harvey’s birthday on Sunday (Harvey, of course, being the Stikins ® Name Labels Dog), we have to mention that Harvey’s Scrabble Score is 15. HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARVEY!
Stikins ® Name Labels – Top Tips For Choosing The Letters On Your Sticky Labels
It’s entirely up to you what you include on your name labels. Although we do have a few rules (and recommendations) for creating your own set of clothes labels or name stickers.
- We print alphanumerical characters, basic punctuation marks, and some standard European accented characters. (À Á Â Ä Ã Å Æ à á â ä â å æ È É Ê Ë è é ê ë Í Î Ï ì í î ï Ô Ö Õ ò ó ô ö õ Ù Ú Û Ü ù ú û ü Ç ç Ñ ñ Ý Ÿ ý ÿ Ø ø Ð ð ß ƒ) We cannot print emoji, pictures, icons, or extended accented character sets. If you need any advice on the characters that you can include, please contact our Customer Service Team.
- Our system automatically chooses the largest font size that will allow your text to fit on your sticky name labels. If you use a lot of characters you will get a smaller font size. You CAN include up to 18 characters per line but we recommend a maximum of 15-18 to get the best possible font size.
- We offer the choice of 1 line or 2 lines of text on your name labels. We recommend sticking with the default of 2 lines (unless you are using less than 15 characters altogether – e.g. “Harvey Bear”). We also recommend including no more than 2 pieces of information. For example, a name and a phone number, a name and a class or year group, or a name and a friendly message.
- We can’t split a pack between different names. You can, however, arrange your names carefully so you can either share the pack or (carefully) cut your name labels in half to create individual sets of personalised name labels.
Stikins ® Name Labels – Order A Set Of School Labels, Clothing Labels, or Name Stickers Today!
Whether you need school uniform labels, general clothes labels, or sticky name labels that can be used to label pretty much everything and anything, it is so quick and simple to order a pack of Stikins ® name labels. You can order anytime online by going to Alternatively, give our Customer Service Team a call to order by phone OR fill in one of our order forms to order by post.