News: Remarkable Reviews, Fantastic Feedback, & Numerous Nicknames!

This week, we simply want to say THANK YOU to all of our lovely customers because YET AGAIN you have given us our best back to school season ever!
Thank You To Each And Every Stikins ® Name Labels Customer!
Yes, we’ve had another brilliant summer with more Stikins ® labels sold than ever before AND we’ve reached another milestone, with more than 7,000 positive reviews from customers now live on our website. We’ve been absolutely inundated with reviews this summer and we’re really grateful for all of the messages and feedback that you’ve sent to us.
Your reviews help us to keep improving our products and services to ensure that they are the very best that they can be – more importantly, however, they also let us know that our name labels are doing their job; helping busy families to save time and money so they can get on with the more fun things in life.
We’ve also had great support and enthusiasm from our school fundraisers this year, with even more schools and PTAs signing up to join our fundraising scheme (stay tuned to the blog for news about those all-important commission payments!)
So, we’d like to say THANK YOU to everyone who has bought, used, reviewed, and helped to fundraise with Stikins ® labels this summer!
Fantastic Feedback & Numerous Nicknames From Our Customers
We thought we’d celebrate by taking a look at just some of your feedback, which includes some of our favourite nicknames that you have come up with for your name labels…
Whatever you call them (from stickies to “Stinkins”), thank you for continuing to support us and our name labels!
You can find all of our reviews and leave your own by clicking on the “Reviews” tab in the menu bar. Alternatively, head for our order form to order your own set of the “best name labels ever!”.