News: Tell Us What We Can Do To Make Our Name Labels Better

Over the years, we've received over 6,000 reviews from our customers. We're very proud of this fact – especially as many of them are extremely positive! We welcome feedback – good and bad – so we can learn from our customers’ experiences and figure out ways to improve our name labels so they are always the very best they can be!
Why Are Reviews So Important?
Reviews come in useful in so many different ways. We value all of our reviews for two key reasons:
1: They let new customers decide if Stikins ® name labels seem like the name labelling solution for them.
We’ve all used customer reviews to help us pick the perfect product. They're especially important when ordering online AND when we're deliberating between lots of different products from lots of different retailers (all of whom claim that their products are the best).
While it’s all very well and good for us to stand on the rooftops and shout about how good WE think our name labels are – the proof, as they say, is in the pudding – or rather, it’s in the reviews from thousands of families who have tried Stikins ® name labels for themselves.
2: They let us know if our labels are doing their job – and provide inspiration for ways to make them even better.
Before launching any new version of our name labels, we put them through vigorous testing (both in-house and independently) to make sure that they will work for our customers. However, we don’t really know how well (or not) Stikins ® labels are doing their job unless we hear back from customers. We designed our name labels make life simpler for busy families and your reviews let us know if they’re living up to that aim.
Negative feedback and suggestions help us to improve our products and services. We often find great inspiration in customer feedback and in the new uses that they have discovered for their name labels.
What Do We Do With Your Reviews?
All of the reviews (and feedback) that we receive from customers are read by a member of our team. We add reviews to our website for other customers to view. Any suggestions from reviews are taken into consideration for future improvements to our products and services.
We use reviews to make improvements to ALL aspects of our services; this includes our name labels themselves, as well as our packaging, website, and customer service offerings. Over the years, customer reviews have helped us to make really important and useful improvements. They were especially important earlier this year as we worked on our brand new website.
Where Can You Find Our Reviews?
You can find all of our reviews on our website. Simply click on the “Reviews” tab in the menu bar.
How Can You Leave A Review Of Stikins ® Name Labels?
Every customer will receive two follow up emails when they order, which both include a link to leave us a review. You can also visit our Reviews Page and click on the “Leave Us A Review” box.
Alternatively, get in touch! You can send feedback and suggestions to our Customer Service Team at any time by emailing
Thank You For All Of Your Reviews For Stikins ® Name Labels
As we said at the start of this post, we have received over 6,000 reviews – and we’re grateful for every single one!
Whether you’ve simply left us a note to say how well your name labels are working or you’ve given us ideas for future improvements, we’ve read them all and they’ve all contributed to the updates and improvements that we’ve made to our name labels, our website, and our customer service over the years.
So please keep leaving us feedback and reviews – and we’ll keep reading them all to find new ways to make name labels even better for each and every customer. Thank You!