News: Go Dippy For Delightful Names Given To Dazzling Discoveries!

Today is the 43rd anniversary of the discovery of AL 288-1 - a set of fossils also known as Lucy.
Lucy was discovered in Ethiopia in 1974 and, although only 40% of her skeleton was found, she remains both the most famous example of the hominin species Australopithecus afarensis and one of the most complete examples of an early human ancestor to be discovered – dating to around 3.2 million years ago!
Lucy was named after the Beatles song “Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds”, which played in the camp as the discovery was celebrated. Lucy is also known in Ethiopia as DINKINESH, which means “you are marvellous” in the Amharic language.
To celebrate the anniversary of this amazing discovery, we decided to take a look at some of the other names that have been given to other scientific discoveries that have been made over the years…
Human Evolution Fossils
- Abel: The only known fossil of the Australopithecus bahrelghazali species (approx. 3.5 million years old); while the name has the connection of the Biblical son of Adam and Eve, it was actually chosen by Michel Brunet in memory of his friend Abel Brillanceau.
- Ardi: A female skeleton from the Ardipithecus ramidus species (approx. 4.4 million years old); the name comes from the species, which is based on the Afar words Ardi meaning “ground/floor” and ramid meaning “root” – implying that Ardi lived on the ground and was the “root” of human ancestry.
- Eurydice: The skull of a (possibly) female member of the Paranthropus robustus species (approx. 2.3 million years old); she is named after the nymph from Greek mythology – a second fossil found a few inches away was named Orpheus.
- Luzia: A skeleton from the Homo sapien species (approx. 11,500 years old); she was found in Brazil and her name is a Portuguese variant of Lucy – in homage to the earlier discovery.
- Miguelón: The most complete skull found from the Homo heidelbergensis species (approx. 400,000 years old); the nickname was inspired by that given to Miguel Indurain, a Spanish cyclist who won both the Tour de France and the Giro d’Italia in 1992 – the year this skull was discovered.
- Moshe: The most complete postcranial skeleton of a Neanderthal (Homo neanderthalensis species) to be found (approx. 60,000 years old); the name is the Hebrew equivalent of Moses.
- Samu: A fossil belonging to a member of the Homo Erectus species (approx. 350,000 years old); the bone was found on 21st August, the name day of Sámuel, and given the name Samu – a Hungarian version of Sam.
- Selam: The fossil of a three-year-old member of the Australopithecus afarensis species (approx. 3.3 million years old); she is commonly known as Selam (“peace”) but also has the nickname “Lucy’s Baby” (because both fossils are from the same species) – despite the fact that Selam is actually around 120,000 years older than Lucy!
- Toumai: A partial skull from the species Sahelanthropus tchadensis (approx. 7 million years old); Toumai means “hope of life”.
- Twiggy: A skull from the Homo habilis species (approx. 1.8 million years old); the skull was crushed almost completely flat and so was named after the famously slim model.
Dinosaur Fossils
- Spike (Polacanthus & Pentaceratops)
- Alana, Ashley, Bertha, Bruce, Cybill, Hellboy, Lisa, Louise, Patty, Stephanie, Tara, Willie, and ZEMONA (Pachyrhinosaurus)
- Hatcher (Triceratops)
- Antonio (Tethyshadros)
- Dakota (Edmontosaurus)
- Elvis and Roberta (Brachylophosaurus)
- Lizzie (Hadrosauridae)
- Sophie (Stegosaurus)
- Big Mike, Bucky, Jane, Samson, Scotty, Stan, Sue, and Tristan (Tyrannosaurus Rex)
- Alan, Clancy, Cooper, Dippy, George, Elliot, Gordo, Jimbo, Lyle, Matilda, Max, Misty, and Wade (various Sauropodomorphs)
- Big Al, Baby Louie, Borsti, Dave, Ebenezar, Elmer, Gorgeous George, Gertie, Kirky, Lori, Pete, and Sid Vicious (various Theropods)
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