News: Happy RED NOSE DAY!

Friday 24th March 2017   /   News   /   0 Comment(s)


Yes, it is indeed Red Nose Day and we’d like to wish all of our customers and school fundraisers good luck with all of their fundraising events today.

Whether you’re going traditional with a scrumptious bake sale, a non-uniform day, or a good old fundraising bucket OR you’ve got something a little more unusual planned we hope you raise plenty of money and (most importantly) have a fantastic time doing so.

So grab your red noses and your t-shirts (#TeamSidney&Coco), your baking trays and your buckets, and have some fun for Comic Relief!

Did You Know?

We run a fundraising scheme for schools, PTAs, nurseries, and youth and activity groups, which allows our school fundraisers to receive up to 30% commission on sales of Stikins ® name labels. Our fundraising scheme has no initial or ongoing costs and runs all year round to give schools and groups a really simple way to earn a little bit more for their ongoing fundraising projects. To find out more, simply visit our brand new Fundraising Pages.

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