The Most Popular Names Of 2018

Names Of The Year: The Most Popular Names Of 2018

Friday 11th January 2019   /   Names Of The Year   /   0 Comment(s)

The Most Popular Names Of 2018

We've put together our second list of the most popular names as requested by our amazing customers. Have your favourite names made the cut? Find out below!

The Most Popular Names Of 2018!

Over the years, we’ve printed millions of Stikins ® name labels with thousands of different names. We're always fascinated to see which names end up being the most popular names of the year.

So, without further ado, we present the most popular names requested in 2018…

Top 20 Names For Girls

  1. Emily
  2. Olivia
  3. Sophia/Sophie
  4. Lily
  5. Amelia
  6. Grace
  7. Jessica
  8. Isla
  9. Evie
  10. Charlotte
  11. Lucy
  12. Ella
  13. Chloe
  14. Poppy
  15. Ava
  16. Ruby
  17. Freya
  18. Isabella/Isabelle
  19. Mia
  20. Daisy

Top 20 Names For Boys

  1. Harry
  2. Oliver
  3. Jack
  4. Charlie
  5. George
  6. James
  7. Thomas
  8. William
  9. Joshua
  10. Max
  11. Jacob
  12. Henry
  13. Daniel
  14. Ben
  15. Oscar
  16. Ethan
  17. Noah
  18. Joseph
  19. Alfie
  20. Sam


FAQs About Adding Names To Your Stikins ® Name Labels

If you aren’t sure what to include on your sticky name tags, take a look through our most popular FAQs about personalising your Stikins ®.

What Colour Font Do You Use?
All of our name labels are white stickers printed with a bold black font. This combination is the clearest and makes it super easy to read the information on each sticker.

How Big Will The Font Be On My Name Labels?
The font size is determined by how many characters you use. Our system automatically selects the largest possible font size your personalisation to fit onto your name labels. So, the more characters you use, the smaller your font.

How Much Text Can I Include On My Name Labels?
You can add up to 18 characters per line with the option to choose one or two lines. If you only need to use 12 characters or fewer, the one line layout will give you a larger font size. If you need to use more characters, the two line layout is generally best - especially if you want to include more information (see below).

What Information Should I Include On My Name Labels?
Most of our name labels get printed with a simple name - usually first name and surname - but it's up to you what you include. You can request first names, middle names, surnames, and nicknames (and any combination of these). You can also include additional information; common choices include contact information (e.g. a phone number), school information (e.g. class or year group), medical information (e.g. allergies or medical conditions), and friendly messages (e.g. “I Belong To” / “Please Return To”).

We recommend no more than TWO pieces of information in total (e.g. a name and phone number) to keep your font size sensible. For example, we recommend sticking to a phone number or a short email address, rather than longer information like a home address.

Can I Include Accents / Emoji / Characters From Other Alphabets?
We can print alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9) and standard punctuation marks from the English alphabet, along with the following accented characters:

À Á Â Ä Ã Å Æ à á â ä â å æ È É Ê Ë è é ê ë Í Î Ï ì í î ï Ô Ö Õ ò ó ô ö õ Ù Ú Û Ü ù ú û ü Ç ç Ñ ñ Ý Ÿ ý ÿ Ø ø Ð ð ß ƒ

Unfortunately, we cannot print characters from other alphabets nor can we print images (including emoji) onto your labels.

Can I Leave A Line Blank So I Can Write In More Information Later?
Yes! To leave a line blank, use the space bar to enter two blank spaces. This will indicate that you want that line to be left blank. Please note that you will need to use a suitable laundry pen to ensure that your information doesn’t wash away.

Order your first set of name labels (in 2019!) now by heading over to or by giving our friendly Customer Service Team a call on 01270 668076 (our office hours are 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday).


Order Your Stikins Here