Just for Fun: Stick On Name Labels To Keep All Your Favourite Stories Safe & Sound!

It’s been a (very!) rainy sort of half term, which makes it the perfect half term to have an adventure of the literary kind. There are thousands and thousands of amazing stories out there (for kids of all ages) – we’ve certainly got a lot of firm favourites. So, this week, we’re challenging our customers to find out how many of the UK’s most popular children’s books they’ve read!
Bestselling Books For Kids (& Grown Ups)!
According to Nielsen Book, these are the 50 most popular children’s books of the 21st Century (so far!). How many have your family read?
Stick on Name Labels To Keep Your Favourites Safe
For many children, books are one of their favourite things in the whole world – which means they’ll want to take those books with them everywhere they go. While it’s easy enough (if a bit frustrating) to replace books that go missing, many kids will be upset about losing “their” book – with all of the little marks, tears, and folds that make it their own.
With Stikins ® name labels, however, you can help to make it easier for these precious belongings to be returned should they ever go missing. Our stick on name labels have a unique, super sticky adhesive; simply firmly press a name label onto your book and it’s labelled!
You can keep things simple with a name and surname, add a piece of contact information (like a phone number to make it really easy to return items), or even add a friendly message (like “I belong to…”).
Stick on name labels are a simple way to help prevent precious belongings disappearing AND they help to encourage children to take on the responsibility of looking after their own belongings.
You can order online or by phone; we supply five pack sizes of 30, 60, 90, 120, and 240 labels, which can be used to label books AND all sort of other cherish belongings, including toys, bags, shoes, and clothes.