Just for Fun: Delicious Names & Delivery Advice For Christmas

To celebrate last week’s release of Wonka, we’ve chosen our favourite names that also happen to be delicious desserts. Plus, an update about despatch and delivery if you’re craving a Christmas order of Stikins ® name labels.
Delicious Desserts That Make Delightful Names
Wonka, a prequel to Roald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was released last week. So, we’re celebrating our favourite names that are also the names of some truly delicious desserts. You can devour our list below. Can you think of any more names that are also delicious desserts?
Despatch & Delivery Advice If You’re Craving Some Christmas Name Labels
If you need name labels before Christmas (or even 2024), you’ll need to order now! Royal Mail’s services are slowing down due to increased demands, which means more orders are taking longer to arrive. So, if you need to order some Christmas name labels this year, here’s our latest despatch and delivery information:
- If you order by 3pm, Monday to Friday, we will print and post your name labels same day. If you order after 3pm or over the weekend, we will print and post your name labels on the next working day.
- Our last print run this year will take place at 3pm on Thursday (21st December) so you MUST order before this time if you want your name labels to be posted this year. We will post orders received after this time on Tuesday 2nd January 2024.
- We use Royal Mail’s first class service for standard delivery. This year, around 75% of first class items arrived on the next working day, with the rest taking a few days extra. Due to higher volumes of Christmas post, more items are currently taking longer to arrive. We advise that orders may take up to seven working days to arrive.
- We do offer a guaranteed next day delivery option. This option is only available by phone and you will need to pay the additional shipping fee that Royal Mail charge for this service, which is £8.40.
If you need to receive your name labels by Christmas (or New Year’s), our best advice is to order as early as you can and to consider upgrading to special delivery.