Just for Fun: We’re Celebrating Names That Are Top Of The Pops!

Today is the 48th anniversary of Dolly Parton’s brilliant hit Jolene. So, this week, we’re celebrating (just some of) the names that have been used as titles of chart-topping hits. Plus, we take a look at how to choose between one or two lines of text on your name labels.
Name Game Challenge – How Many Chart Topping Names Can You Think Of?
To celebrate Jolene, we decided to list songs that use a name as their title. We thought of quite a few so we decided to extend our challenge to the internets. As it turns out there are LOADS of songs that feature a name as their title!
Check out the names we came up with below – then have a go at making your own list. To keep things interesting (and keep our list manageable!), we limited ourselves to one word titles only. So, there are no surnames, descriptions, or subtitles like Eleanor Ridgby, Sweet Caroline, or Brandy (You’re A Fine Girl) in our list. How many songs can you think of?
How To Create Name Labels That Will Be A Smash Hit
We offer two different layouts because some customers want to include more information than others. The two line layout offers space for longer names or additional information. The one line layout creates a bigger font size for short personalisation (such as a single name like Jolene!).
To print your name labels, our system adds up the characters you’ve used (including spaces!). It then selects the largest font size that allows your personalisation to fit on your name labels. In our two line layout, the font size is determined by whichever line contains the most characters. For example, if you use 10 characters on line one and 18 characters on line two, both lines will be printed in a font size based on line two.
Most of our customers request a first name and a surname. Some customers, however, add extra information like phone numbers, room numbers, medical/allergy information, or friendly messages.
You can request up to 18 characters per line. So, if your personalisation uses more than 18 characters in total, you’ll need to use the two line layout. For example, “Chloe Silver” uses 12 characters and will fit on one line. “Christopher Silverton”, however, uses 21 and needs to be split over two lines.
If you need 18 characters or fewer, the choice is up to you. However, it's worth remembering that you'll get a larger font size by using the one line layout if you are using a total of 12 characters or fewer.
You can also use our online print preview to try out a few different options and see what works best for you!