Just for Fun: How Stikins ® Labels can Keep Your Kit Safe This Friday 13th

Friday the 13th is considered by some to be an unlucky day. So, we’ve investigated the superstitions behind this date. Plus, find out how Stikins ® name labels can bring your family the good fortune of making it easy for the things you lose to be returned!
Learn More About Friday the 13th With Stikins ® Labels
No one knows why Friday 13th is considered unlucky. It’s probably a combination of two older superstitions, which say Friday is an unlucky day and 13 is an unlucky number.
Unlucky Fridays
- Multiple Bible stories are said to take place on Fridays, including Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit, Cain murdering his brother Abel, Noah setting sail in the Great Flood, and Jesus’ crucifixion.
- Maritime tradition says Fridays are an unlucky day to begin voyages.
- In Britain, convicted criminals were often hung on Fridays, which became known as Hangman’s Day.
Unlucky 13
- At the Last Supper, Jesus dined with his 12 disciples. Judas, who betrayed Jesus, is said to be the 13th to join the table.
- It was once believed that a coven contained 13 witches or 12 witches (who would summon the Devil to make 13).
- Death is often the thirteenth card in tarot decks.
- Some say 13 is unlucky because it comes after “perfect” 12, which represents months in a year, hours on a clock, signs of the zodiac, days of Christmas etc.
Unlucky Friday the 13th
Recent theories suggest the Victorians put the two superstitions together. Over time, tales of bad luck and disasters occurring on Friday the 13th were seen as evidence of its unlucky status. Most research suggests that Friday the 13th is as lucky (or unlucky) as any other day.
Did You Know:
- Friday the 13th can occur once, twice, or thrice each year.
- Friday the 13th only occurs when a month begins on Sunday.
- The 13th day of each month is slightly more likely to be a Friday than any other day.
- The shortest possible gap between two Friday the 13ths is one month, while the longest is 14 months.
Reasons To Label Your Lucky Charms (& All Your Other Stuff Too) With Stikins ® Name Labels
Name labels are an easy way to make sure that your family’s belongings stay safe. They make it clear who owns what and make it easy for lost items to be returned. With our multipurpose stick on name labels, you can label everything in seconds – no sewing or ironing required!
Our unique adhesive forms strong bonds with all kinds of items. This means you can use one product to label fabric and non-fabric items*. This includes school uniform, workwear, and other clothing – along with shoes, bags, water bottles, lunch boxes, P.E. kit, stationery, personal devices, and all your other bits and bobs.
* When labelling fabric items, we recommend applying your name labels on to the wash-care label, not directly onto the fabric. While our labels will work on some fabrics, we cannot test all of the variations and so cannot guarantee that they will work on every item.
We supply bright white name labels personalised with a black font. You can request one or two lines of text and each line holds up to 18 characters (including spaces). You can add a simple name for closed environments (like schools) where items are easy to return. For open environments (or adventures into the great outdoors), you can include a piece of contact information (a mobile number works best).
Don’t leave it up to luck to keep your belongings safe! Label your stuff with Stikins ® labels!
You can order Stikins online anytime or by phone during office hours (9am-5pm, Mon-Fri). Delivery is free and uses Royal Mail’s first class service. We despatch all orders on the same or next working day. Choose from 30, 60, 90, 120, or 240 name labels – and remember we offer a 10% discount when you order 3 or more packs.