Just for Fun: Celebrating Amazing Animated Names From The World Of Pixar

Thirty seven years ago today, Pixar became an independent company, after breaking away from Lucasfilm. So, we’re celebrating some of our favourite names to feature in Pixar animations. Plus, a short feature presentation about the font on our name labels.
Amazing Animated Names From The World Of Pixar
To date, Pixar have released 26 feature films and over 100 shorts. So, we decided to see how many names we’ve printed from the world of Pixar. As it turns out, we’ve printed over 200 Pixar names! You can see some of our favourites below. How many more Pixar names can you think of? Does your name play a role in a Pixar feature?
A Short Feature About The Font Featured On Our Name Labels
Customers often ask about the font on our name labels, so here’s a short feature to explain more.
We use a font called CG Triumverate. We print our name labels in this font, in a black colour, with a bold emphasis.
(This means we are not able to offer different colours, styles, or fonts).
The font size is determined by the characters you request. Our system counts the number of characters on each line (including spaces) and chooses the longest line. It then selects the largest possible font size that will allow that number of characters to fit onto your name labels. This font size is used to print BOTH lines of text.
(We cannot print a specific font size OR print the two lines in different font sizes).
Our system can print all of the alphanumeric characters in the English alphabet; A-Z, a-z, 0-9. We can also print basic punctuation marks and the following European accented characters: À Á Â Ä Ã Å Æ à á â ä â å æ È É Ê Ë è é ê ë Í Î Ï ì í î ï Ô Ö Õ ò ó ô ö õ Ù Ú Û Ü ù ú û ü Ç ç Ñ ñ Ý Ÿ ý ÿ Ø ø Ð ð ß ƒ
We offer one or two lines of text. Each line can contain up to 18 characters.
(If you NEED to include a lot of information on your name labels, we can to offer a three line layout in some cases. Please contact us by phone or email to discuss this option as it is not available online.)
Our website includes a print preview, which gives an idea of how your personalised name labels will look.