Just for Fun: Celebrate British Science Week With Facts About Einstein & Stikins®

We’re celebrating British Science Week AND Albert Einstein, one of the world’s most famous scientists. Discover our favourite facts about Einstein and learn how we've changed and adapted Stikins® name labels so they simply stick on and stay on.
Fantastic Facts About Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein was born on 14th March 1879. He was a theoretical physicist and mathematician whose work changed our understanding of how the universe works. To celebrate, we’ve picked our favourite facts about this sensational scientist:
- Einstein published over 300 scientific papers and 150 non-scientific works. He published four of his most famous theories in a single year – 1905 – known as his “Year of Miracles”. He was 26 years old.
- It took Einstein a long time to learn to talk and his childhood nickname was “der depperte” (the dopey one).
- As a child, Einstein loved mechanical toys and building towers out of bricks and playing cards. He once built a 14-storey tower of cards (how many can you manage?).
- Einstein’s mother arranged violin lessons for him when was 6 years old. He hated the violin until he was 13, when he was inspired by Mozart’s sonatas and became a talented violinist.
- At 12 years old, Einstein taught himself geometry in the summer holidays. He also taught himself complex maths and algebra and wrote his first scientific paper at 16.
- As an adult, Einstein often forgot appointments and could be quite disorganised. He slept for at least 10 hours a night and took daily walks. He also never wore socks!
- Einstein was awarded over 50 patents, including ones for a refrigerating machine and a blouse!
- Einstein loved to sail but had a reputation as a poor sailor (or a good sailor who was easily distracted). He couldn’t swim, refused to wear a lifejacket, often ran aground, and capsized more than once.
- The special effects team behind Yoda from Star Wars were partially inspired by a photo of Einstein – especially his eyes and wrinkles.
How We Change & Adapt Stikins Name Labels
It’s British Science Week and this year’s theme is “Change & Adapt”. So, we’re looking at how we’ve changed and adapted our name labels over the years.
We launched Stikins® way back in 2004. Our first product contained several different shapes, including H-Shaped clothes labels, shoe labels, and micro labels.
Since then, we’ve continued to introduce new materials and manufacturing methods to make sure that our name labels continue to simply stick on and stay on. This includes new products, materials, adhesives, printing inks, and packaging.
Today, Stikins® name labels are rectangles measuring 30mm by 15mm. This size fits neatly and discretely onto items of all shapes and sizes and provides plenty of space for two lines of personalisation. We use a super thin and flexible material that stays in place on various materials and surface types and is gentle against skin. We use a unique adhesive designed to hold your name labels firmly in place through the washing machine, tumble-dryer, dishwasher, and microwave. Our adhesive bonds with most fabric and non-fabric items. Our special printing ribbon ensures that your print stays clear and legible all year round – even through multiple washes, handling, and exposure to sun creams and lotions.
We have every version of our name labels independently tested using the BS EN ISO6330 wash test procedure for 60 washes at 40 degrees. We also invite all of our customers to review our name labels. We use our reviews to improve our name labels and our customer service. You can read all our reviews, and leave your own, on our Reviews page.
If you’d like to change and adapt your name labelling by switching to Stikins®, you can order online at any time or by phone during office hours. We supply five pack sizes of 30, 60, 90, 120, or 240 name labels. We despatch orders by first class post on the same (order by 3pm, Mon-Fri) or next working day (order after 3pm or over the weekend/during holidays).