Just for Fun: Artistic Names That Have Made An Impression On Stikins ® Labels

Today is the 181st anniversary of the birth of Pierre-Auguste Renoir. He was a French artist and a leading figure in the Impressionist style. This got us thinking about “artistic” names so we decided to see how many famous artists have made an impression on Stikins ® name labels. Plus we take a look at the impression Stikins ® name labels have made on our customers.
Our Gallery Of Artistic Names
We’ve created a gallery of famous artists who have all featured on our name labels in the last year. While you check out our gallery below, why not see how many more names you can think of that belong to famous artists!
Name Labels That Make A Real Impression
We’re always telling people that stick on name labels are amazing (especially ours!). But you don’t have to take our word for it.
Every customer is invited to leave us a review so we can find out if our name labels are really doing their job. So far, we’ve received 10,680 reviews – including 10,456 four or five star reviews.
Here are a few of our favourite comments from recent reviews:
- Absolute life saver. So much property has found its way back to us, absolutely worth getting everything your child takes out of the house labelled!
- **Amazing** with 4 children these were the best labels I've ever purchased over the years so easy to use saved so much time. Stikins [® name labels] are the perfect labels!
- Been using these labels for over 14 years for all my children. Still fantastic!
- Brilliant…….my kid has not lost anything in over a week which is a record!
- Excellent! Can’t stop sticking them absolutely everywhere!!
- Fantastic, easy to use and they stay put. What more does a parent want?! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
- I am so pleased with Stikins [® name labels], they are the only things that work for us!
- Literally a life changer
- I’ve used stikins [® name labels] for both of my children’s belongings for years, I wouldn’t be without them!
- Love love these stickers! Such a time saver and last seemingly forever!! I wish I’d found them sooner!
- My saviour year on year. Absolutely the fastest and most secure way to get EVERYTHING labelled for the term ahead.
- I don't know what would I do without Stikins [® name labels]! I have twins in reception class and the masses of different things you have to label are unbelievable. Stikins [® name labels] do them all.
- My son is 13 and I only discovered Stikins [® name labels] a couple of years ago. If I get a Time Machine for Christmas I will travel back in time to his primary school days and make myself order these labels!
- Really brill. Where have they been all my life...would have saved me hours many moons ago when my children were little. Now using on Grandaughters uniform etc
- Stikins [® name labels] are literally THE best way to name school uniform.
- The ultimate, fuss-free way to label your child’s belongings!
- [We] will be sticking with stikins [® name labels]!
You can find all of our customer reviews on our Reviews Page. You can leave your own review at any time – either by using the link in our Review Invitation email OR by clicking on the “Write a review” button on our reviews page.