FAQ: Our Fantastic Name Labels & Where To Find Them!

To celebrate the release of the latest Fantastic Beasts film, here are just some of the fantastic beast-inspired names we’ve printed lately – as well as a guide to all of the ways you can find (and order) Stikins ® name labels.
Fantastic Name Labels For Names Inspired By Fantastic Beasts
We’ve printed thousands of different names over the years with all sorts of inspirations. To celebrate Fantastic Beasts, we’ve put together a list of the fantastic names inspired by some fantastic creatures…
PHOENIX: a mythical creature found in many ancient stories. Most describe a mythical bird, which lives for 500 years before bursting into flame and being reborn from the ashes.
In the world of Harry Potter, Dumbledore has a pet phoenix; Fawkes comes to the aid of both Dumbledore and Harry on a number of occasions. His tail feathers form the core of two wands - those belonging to Harry Potter and Voldemort. Fans are eagerly waiting to find out if Fawkes has a part to play in the world of Fantastic Beasts...
GRIFFIN: another popular choice, the griffin is a mythological hybrid. They have the body of a lion and the head (and sometimes wings) of an eagle. Griffins are commonly associated with gold and treasure and so are often depicted as guardians or protectors.
The offspring of a griffin and a mare is another fantastic beast; the hippogriff, which has the body of a horse, rather than a lion.
The griffin is a minor creature in Harry Potter, featuring most prominently as the shape of the door knocker to the Headmaster’s Office in Hogwarts. Buckbeak the Hippogriff, however, has a significant role to play in the third instalment of the series.
PIXIE: a mythical creature that features predominantly in Cornish folklore. Described as short and childlike figures, pixies are often mischievous in nature. They live underground (often in ancestral burial sites or monuments) and emerge at night to dance and play.
In Harry Potter, Professor Guilderoy Lockhart brings a group of pixies into a Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson where they cause absolute chaos!
MORGEN / MORGAN: found in Welsh and Breton folklore, the morgen is a water spirit said to use its beauty and/or mystical visions of underwater palaces full of treasure to lure men in and drown them. Often blamed for devastating floods, they have been connected with Arthurian legend; the ruler of Avalon is referred to as “Morgen” and is a possible origin for the Arthurian figure of Morgan le Fay.
LORELEI: another water spirit, the lorelei have enchanting singing voices, which they use to lure sailors to their deaths by causing them to sail too close to cliffs.
FRANK: an honorary “beast” – Newt Scamander rescued Frank (a Thunderbird) from traffickers and travelled to the US to set Frank free - so Frank could return to his natural habitat in Arizona.
Fantastic Name Labels And Where To Find Them
Stikins ® school labels provide busy families with a quick and simple solution to the problem of labelling school uniform and kit. Our name labels simply stick on and stay on; you can label clothing, shoes, bags, books, stationery, sports kits, and everything else that your children need (or want) to take to school with them.
We’ve tried to make sure that our name labels are as easy to order as they are to use. You can order online or by phone – just pick the option that you prefer!
Order Name Labels Online
Visit stikins.co.uk at any time to order online. Enter the text you want and select a pack size to create the packs you need. Add your delivery details and choose how you want to pay; use a credit/debit card or your Paypal account to order online.
Genuine Stikins ® labels are also available from our sister company Madebuy. Madebuy trade via Amazon and eBay and so can offer delivery outside of the UK.
Order Name Labels By Phone
Give our friendly customer service team a call during office hours to order by phone. We are available 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. Call us with the details of the packs you want to order and your delivery information. We can take payment via credit or debit card.
Order Name Labels By Email
We can accept orders by email if you need to order on behalf of a number of people. For example, schools can use this method if they want to order name labels on behalf of their pupils. Nursing homes and residential care facilities also order name labels on behalf of their residents. Email the details of the packs you would like to order (when ordering a lot of names, it’s best to attach them in an Excel spreadsheet) and the delivery information. We will then send you a Proforma Invoice against which you can make payment by BACS transfer, credit/debit card, or even by cheque.